Sugru Mouldable Glue Natural Colours - 8-Pack
Sugru Mouldable Glue Natural Colours - 8-Pack
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Sugru and its Amazing Properties
Straight out of the pack, Sugru sticks to wood, metal, glass, as well as
most plastics and fabrics. It bonds much stronger than contact adhesives,
adhesive strips or silicone sealants.

Once it has cured, Sugru is waterproof, just like other rubbers. You can
use it in the shower, the sink or even the sea. And thanks to Sugru is
heat resistance, it is even dishwasher-proof.

Sugru is not rigid like other glues – cured Sugru bends like a firm,
flexible rubber, so it is perfect for use on textiles, shoes or even low
current cables (under 24 Volts + under 1 Amp).

Sugru can handle heat up to 180°C (356°F), so it is great for replacing
pot handles or adding hooks to radiators.

This moulded glue is cold-resistant down to -50°C (-58° F), so it is
used by arctic explorers as well as people who just want to fix their
fridges and freezers.

Cured Sugru feels soft to the touch, so it is perfect for making hard
things more tactile. It can even make sharp table edges bouncier to help
prevent injury.

This little pack of mouldable glue bonds tight. 
A little hook made of
Sugru can hold up to 2kg of weight. And once it is turned into rubber, it
will stand up to extreme weather and UV rays, no problem.

If you need to remove cured Sugru from a surface, just slice most of it
off with a knife, then use your fingernail to scrape off any residue.
(Careful now – Sugru is removable from woods and textiles too, but might
stain these surfaces.)

Did we mention that Sugru feels great to touch? Well, it makes slippy
things non slip too. Perfect for adding custom grips to your favourite
tools or sports gear.

Key Features
- Adhesive
- Removable
- Grippy
- Waterproof
- Flexible
- Heat Resistant
- Cold Resistant
- Soft Touch
- Strong and Durable

Colour and Quantity: 2 each of Brown, Grey, Green, and 1 each of Black and
- Weight: 8x 5g mini packs

Warranty Period
Sugru guarantee the product for 13 months from date of manufacture, for
use up until the date printed on the pack.

Note. Votre adresse email.

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